Metals have been supporting the development of industries and cultures until the present day. Nippon Crucible Co., Ltd has been introducing refractory products which bring metal into form for over one century. History shows that we have advanced technologies and reliability. Look forward to doing business with you again.


Name of company:

Nippon Crucible Co., Ltd.
(Name on the Japanese company registry list: Nihon Rutsubo K.K.)

Foundation: January 1885  ■(Refer to “Corporate History” for further information)
Establishment: December 1906
Captal stock:

704.52 million yen
(5.920 million U.S. Dollars(convert with 119 yen to the dollar) as of

January 2015)

Number of employees:

201 (49 including those of our affiliated companies)
150 (Non-Consolidated)

Location of headquarters:

Ebisu NR Building
21-3 Ebisu 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0013 Tel:+81-3-3443-5551(Main line) Fax:+81-3-3443-5191

Business Locations: Tokyo Sales Office, Osaka Sales Office, Nagoya Sales Office,
Kyushu Sales Office, International Dept., Furnace Engineering Dept.,
Environmental Business Dept.

Branch Sales Offices:
Kita- Kanto, Kumagaya, Kashima, Tokai, Toyama, Hiroshima,

Plants: Osaka Plant and Toyota Plant.
Toyota Solar Park

→(Refer to “Guide to Business Locations” for further information)
Descriptions of business:

●Business related to refractories
●Engineering services
●Real estate business

→(Refer to “Summary of Business” frther information.)
Business groups:

●Subsidiary companies
Chuo Ceramic Co., Ltd.
Asia Refractories Co., Ltd.
Nippon Crucible (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Nippon Morgan Crucible K.K. in Japan

●Affiliated companies
RUMICO feuerfeste Baustoffe GmbH in Germany
Shoei Mfg. Co.,Ltd. in Thailand
Shoei Industrial Heating Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. in China

→(Refer to “Overseas Operations” for further information.)