Metals have been supporting the development of our civilization. Since the establishment in year 1885, Nippon Crucible Co., Ltd. has always been pursuing advanced technology for metal melting over one century in order to meet the needs of the age and supplying refractories to the foundry and steel industries to bring metal into form. The history of continuous efforts to develop the metal melting technology reflects our corporate history including the establishment of our company, new construction of production plants and our overseas expansion. In addition, based on our specific know-how of metal melting and refractory production, we will push forward the furnace business which includes manufacturing of various industrial furnaces and providing the solution for entire process. These efforts have produced results in our winning industrial awards. We will develop the products to meet our customer needs and continue to strive to improve our technologies which are highly evaluated from home and abroad in order to support various industries.
January 1885
Set up Dai Nippon Rutsubo Company with purpose of producing graphite crucible (foundation of our company)
April 1896
Established joint-stock company of Dai Nippon Rutsubo Seizosho
December 1906
Set up Teikoku Rutsubo Co., Ltd. (establishment of our company)
February 1907
Changed the name of Teikoku Rutsubo Co., Ltd. to Nihon Rutsubo K.K. (Nippon Crucible Co., Ltd.)
April 1907
Inaugurated as Nippon Crucible Co., Ltd. with a \200,000 capitalization by merging the former Nippon Crucible Co., Ltd., the joint-stock company of Dai Nippon Rutsubo Seizosho, and Osaka Rutsubo Co., Ltd.
March 1919
Newly established Osaka Plant in Higashi-Osaka City
November 1937
Merged Nihon Taikaki Seizo Co., Ltd
May 1944
Merged Inoue Rutsubo Co., Ltd.
April 1946
Newly set up Mifune Mining Operation in Toyoda City, Aichi Prefecture
April 1950
Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
December 1961
Chuo Ceramic Co., Ltd. acquired, now a consolidated sub- sidiary company
August 1962
Purchased Furnace Design & Engineering Co., Ltd. to change its name to Nikkan Industrial Furnace & Engineering Co., Ltd., a subsidiary company
December 1966
Newly established Mifune Plant as a factory to produce monolithic refractories in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture
April 1968
Overseas sales activities started
April 1970
Technology for castable and plastic refractories received from C-E Refractories / U.S.A. (now called Premier Refractories, Inc.)
March 1971
Technology for sliding gate refractories received from U.S. Steel Engineering Co., Ltd./U.S.A.
September 1974
Asia Taika Co., Ltd. acquired, now a consolidated subsidiary company
June 1975
Nikkan Gumi Unso Transportation Co., Ltd. acquired and renamed Nikkan Unyu Transportation Co., Ltd., a subsidiary company
August 1975
Established joint venture company. RUMICO feuerfeste Baustoffe GmbH in then West Germany
Technology for blast furnace trough ramming and taphole refractories licensed to Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Taiwan and U.S.A.
October 1981
Technology for Jet Melter (stack melter furnace) licensed to Modern Equipment Company, Inc. / U.S.A.
Cold Isostatic Press (CIP) production process introduced crucibles. Our company was the first crucible manufacturing in Japan to apply CIP for crucible production.
November 1984
Technology for dry ramming mix (for induction furnaces) received from Allied Mineral Products, Inc. / U.S.A.
May 1987
Technology for alumina-graphite sliding gate refractories licensed to Flo-Con Systems, Inc. / U.S.A.
June 1990
Technology for alumina-graphite sliding gate refractories licensed to Vesuvius Crucible Company / U.S.A. for territory of Europe
February 1998
Changed our accounting term to March 31 at the 157th ordinary general meeting of shareholders
August 1998
Took over the entire business rights of Nikkan Industrial Furnace & Engineering Co., Ltd.
July 2002
Certified ISO9001 : 2000 (JIS Q 9001:2002)
December 2002
Completed our new headquarters building (Ebisu NR building)
July 2003
Increased capital stock to 704.52 million yen (6.65 million U.S.Dollars as of January 2004)
March 2004
Technology for laminated refractories received from E-Jay Thermo Products, Inc. / U.S.A.
May 2004
Established joint-venture company NIPPON MORGAN CRUCIBLE K.K. in Japan with Morganite Crucible Ltd. (England)
September 2005
Acquired equity interest in the joint-venture company SHOEI INDUSTRIAL HEATING EQUIPMENT SHANGHAI CO., LTD. established in China by Shoei Mfg.Co., Ltd. /Japan and Shoei Industrial Heating Equipment Shanghai Co., Ltd. / China
November 2006
Acquired equity interest in the joint-venture company SHOEI-HANANO ENGINEERING CO., LTD.established in Thailand by Shoei Mfg. Co.,Ltd. /Japan and Hanano (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. / Thailand.
January 2009
Established Nippon Crucible Shanghai representative office.
May 2011
Established subsidiary company, Nippon Crucible (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
June 2012
Launched photovoltaic power generation business.